Other Services
Landscape Mulch
Easy Lawn Sprinklers offers bulk Landscaping Mulch for any landscaping project. Call to have your truck or trailer loaded or request delivery by Easy Lawn. We also coordinate other landscaping needs with specialized contractors to fulfill all projects to complete your outdoor environment.
Landscape Lighting
Easy Lawn Sprinklers has access to many different lighting brands to fulfill your lighting needs. We use lighting to extend the time of enjoyment on your home & landscape, with the benefit of added security.

Recommended Websites
- Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EasyLawnLawnCare/
- Emerald Ash Borer: http://emeraldashborer.info/ and https://nfs.unl.edu/nebraska-eab
- Nebraska Rainfall totals: www.nerain.dnr.ne.gov
- Faller Landscape: www.fallerlandscape.com
- UNL Turf Site http://turf.unl.edu/
- Tree Trimming/Removal http://mcendarfertreeservice.com/
- Grading and Seeding www.rockandturf.com
- Arbor Day www.arborday.org
- Nebraska Aborists www.nearborists.org